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  • Project/Server disconnect issue


    Hi... I'm tired of sorting through previous threads to determine if my problem has already been addressed, so my apologies if it has.

    I'm on a Mac (OS X Yosemite) and run Logic Pro X.

    My problem:

    I left my project open only to return a bit later to find that the VEP5 Servers (both 64 and 32) had disconnected somehow. The little icons on the Instance list weren't disconnected. They showed they were still connected, However, in Logic... when I opened the instrument to display the VSL Server Interface it showed it had disconnected and said it was "busy".

    My question is... when and if this occurs again, how do I re-establish a connection without closing everything out and restarting VEP5 and the Logic project? When I tried connecting, it didn't show the instances that were loaded and displayed in the server/instance window. Instead it just offered a basic 32 bit or 64 bit connection, but not my instances? As if it was looking at another completely new and blank server?!


    - Andy

  • Are you using fixed IP?



    Self-Assigned IP on a closed network (no outside interference)...

  • I also get this on OS 10.11.1 (had it before that too). Usually I noticed it when I'd quit logic completely, my windows slave would disconnect fine, but more often than not, my localhost server connection would stay active, even though logic had completely closed! If I reopen logic, those instances don't reconnect, it's like they've frozen. To resolve this I have to force disconnect all in the local server, and then just reload my logic template and it all reconnects fine. 

    Very odd indeed!