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  • Audio not passing after stopping Playback

    Hi there......I've noticed that the latest build of VEPro5 will not allow audio to pass after stopping playback.

    I'm using RML Labs SAWStudio....I realize it's not on the recommended DAW list. However....previous versions allowed me to load multiple instances of the VEPro server and to use it as an FX rack in order to offload some of the CPU burden on my computer. I could stop and start the playbacjk and there was never an issu regarding the audio passing.

    With the latest build....the audio stops with 1 instance ......the previous legacy build in the archives you could have 1 instance and stop and start but a 2nd instance would freeze the audio until the Plugins were removed from the track. The builds prior to 2015 all worked fine....(it's been a while since I upgraded...)

    Very disapointing as it makes it virtually unusable now for use as an FX rack. A lot of money invested in the product only to have it change....

  • Hi Jeff, 

    Please tell us which build works for you, so we can track down the changes. 
    If possible, please send such a working song as a zip file to, we will take a look. 

    You are indeed the first SAWStudio user I have been in contact with...


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul....I spent some time testing out VEPro5 with SAWStudio this past weekend.

    There is a work-a-round. So what I've discovered is this....

    You can run as many instances of the VEPro5 plugin on SAW Aux return Channels, Output Channels and Output chanels configured as Sub Groups.

    You CANNOT run the VEPRO5 plugin on an SAWStudio Input Channel.

    If you do....and you stop playback....when you restart playback the plugin will not pass audio. If you want to use VEPro to run an FX on a single Input channel....say a lead must route it through an Output chanel / Sub Group and apply the processing from there.

    So....this is a doable workaround with minimal impact on the work flow. I'll go forward with this. Thanks for your offer of taking a deeper look.

  • Hi Jeff, 

    Thanks for the explanation - might be something my colleagues at SAW could be interested in. Did you contact them already?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Yes I've posted over there. would be great if you could connect with Bob Lentini....the developer of SAWStudio and work out how to make the Vienna and SAW  products work seamlessly.

  • Hi Jeff, 

    Bob can contact us anytime. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL