Well, downloaded the Vienna Suite Pro demo version and went directly to the equalizer I use daily on Vienna Suite. So, one extremely friendly and fast feature was control-drag to change the Q. That's what I checked first and it looks like it's gone... Bad bad news, I can't understand this... Or do I miss something ?
Equalizer Pro, where's the control-drag Q control ?
Hi javajam,
Here is the answer from our development team: "The new Equalizer has more features requiring keyboard modifier, so a change was necessary. Q value can preferably be adjusted by mouse wheel."
Sorry to have no better news there.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Hi Paul,
I'm back about the lost Control-drag feature on Equalizer. I realized I used it maybe 50 times yesterday and I still can't understand it has been taken off on the Pro. It's a main feature as it allows to "draw" a eq line in a few shots. Nothing to see with any other way to do it, mouse or anything else, this is just one step back... Maybe I'll try to capture a video one day to show how easy it is.
Programming vs music, here we are. Vienna Suite has been my main plugin suite since it has been released, I had projects featuring tens of Equalizer inserts. It's great. But please, can you consider bringing back this feature ?
Hi Paul,
Here's a video featuring Equalizer control-drag function. Don't mind about exaggerated eqs, it's for the demo purpose... To play the video, just type password: vienna.
Control-drag on non-Pro Equalizer
Cursor (and eyes) never leave the graphic eq area, one finger on "control" key when needed, nothing else.
This handy feature allows quick and easy graphical eq drawing. Just trying to do anything similar with the Pro version made me sad... 😕