I have made an Environment for Logic that allows to use program changes instead of key switches to change articulation.
Today this environment is working with QLSO but I am ready to make a version for VSL if I can trade this with VSL
1) What does it do :
- Instead of entering articulation changes with a note you use a program changes [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- You do not have to remember the articulation names as they appear in the Logic instrument [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- The Score is not showing the Articulation notes (I hope that Emagic will allow soon to display program changes in the score, so the articulation will display with there names in the score) [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- Volume control (CC#7) is converted to CC#11 so you can control each instrument of the Kontakt multi
- Pan (CC#10) is filtered so it does not change the panning of the Kontakt multi [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- GM program changes (Staccato,Legato and Pizz) are converted automatically to articulation changes [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- The demo version only includes the Solo violin and the Solo Cello
- The full version include all the instruments of the orchestra (see at the end of the document in the zip file) so you have a full orchestra with most of the articulations under your finger tips [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- The full version also includes programmable UP/DOWN bow for the strings ; they can be either automatic or manual [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
You will find the file "ProgQLSO.zip" at : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/cyril.blanc/progqlso.zip
As a VSL user you will not be able to load the Multi and play the song but it will show you what you can do
You can directly contact me at :
I have made an Environment for Logic that allows to use program changes instead of key switches to change articulation.
Today this environment is working with QLSO but I am ready to make a version for VSL if I can trade this with VSL
1) What does it do :
- Instead of entering articulation changes with a note you use a program changes [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- You do not have to remember the articulation names as they appear in the Logic instrument [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- The Score is not showing the Articulation notes (I hope that Emagic will allow soon to display program changes in the score, so the articulation will display with there names in the score) [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- Volume control (CC#7) is converted to CC#11 so you can control each instrument of the Kontakt multi
- Pan (CC#10) is filtered so it does not change the panning of the Kontakt multi [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- GM program changes (Staccato,Legato and Pizz) are converted automatically to articulation changes [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- The demo version only includes the Solo violin and the Solo Cello
- The full version include all the instruments of the orchestra (see at the end of the document in the zip file) so you have a full orchestra with most of the articulations under your finger tips [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
- The full version also includes programmable UP/DOWN bow for the strings ; they can be either automatic or manual [[[[[[[[[[[:D]]]]]]]]]]]
You will find the file "ProgQLSO.zip" at : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/cyril.blanc/progqlso.zip
As a VSL user you will not be able to load the Multi and play the song but it will show you what you can do
You can directly contact me at :