I have had various problems getting the correct instrument to sound with the correct stave, typified by my former problems with Bass Drum and Snare listed above.
This is because I'm using one Sibelius Configuration for multiple scores, and some Manual Sound Set Programs contain multiple instruments. If some instruments are not found in a score, Sibelius will simply use the instrument loaded in the first matching Program. If I'm not using Bass Drum in a score but I am using Snare, Bass Drum will sound on the Snare stave because it's loaded in the shared Configuration with the lowest MIDI channel number.
Now that I finally sort of know what I'm doing, I understand this problem and I have this feedback for Vienna Symphonic Library GmbH:
Please list each instrument individually as a separate Manual Sound Set Program, rather than sharing a Program for multiple instruments, for example how Castinets and Shaker both share the Percussion Program.
Andi, is there any reason this could not be done? Seems to me it would solve this problem for everyone.