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  • Audio export in Cubase delayed with increased VEP instances?


    I've expanded my template recently and noticed there is now a > 20 sec delay between pressing the 'export' button in Cubase and waiting for that export to begin.  There is also a greater likelihood of Cubase hanging and having to be restarted  while waiting for VEP to respond.

    At first I thought it was a plugin causing the delay, but simply progressively disconnecting VEP instances from my Cubase template steadily reduces the wait time between pressing export, and export actually beginning, until all instances are removed where it becomes practically instantaneous.  Is this normal?  Are others experiencing this?  I export / bounce offline, but this occurs with realtime export as well.

    Cheers - Brett

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    Yes....unfortunately in my giant template I experience about a 20 second or so delay before export starts and when it stops.  If I turn on ASIO GUARD 2 it is an unbearable about 1:30 minutes on start and another on exit.  Not sure why it is worse with ASIO GAURD 2 on.  I have a second system that does not seem to suffer so much from ASIO GUARD 2 on.


    I have not done any testing to know if it is VE PRO or just the added huge amount of MIDI ports and tracks.  I suspect it has to do with VE PRO but can't say for sure.

  my template gets bigger and bigger the export speed in Cubase slows down quite a bit.  Right now when I export a cue it is about 30% slower then real time.  If I try an export in a blank sequence with say 1 instrument it happens in a blink of an eye.





    @brett said:


    I've expanded my template recently and noticed there is now a > 20 sec delay between pressing the 'export' button in Cubase and waiting for that export to begin.  There is also a greater likelihood of Cubase hanging and having to be restarted  while waiting for VEP to respond.

    At first I thought it was a plugin causing the delay, but simply progressively disconnecting VEP instances from my Cubase template steadily reduces the wait time between pressing export, and export actually beginning, until all instances are removed where it becomes practically instantaneous.  Is this normal?  Are others experiencing this?  I export / bounce offline, but this occurs with realtime export as well.

    Cheers - Brett

  • I tested a 16 instance bounce last night with C8 and VEP.  There was about a 10 sec delay.  I also had two days of Cubase hangs but both times that was when using the VST2 version of VEP instead of VST3.  Switching to VST3 seemed to make it better.

    I then loaded my alternate template which puts stings in one instance and brass in a 2nd.  That worked better as the delay was +/- 5s.  There was no audio delay when changing midi tracks within the same instance.

    As everything else I do would run inside Cubase this is perfectly acceptable.  Hopefully they VSL and Steinberg can continue to improve on this.  I remember DP having a number of issues early on too.


  • Meant to thank you both for your reply. Seems like a delay proportional to the number of instances is normal Thanks - Brett

  • The easiest short term solution is to record to an audio track, or series of tracks, if you're mixing down stems. Yes, it's in real time, but you can hear the export as it goes down and also stop it if there is something you don't like. It also means that you don't have to export the whole track again just to make one tiny change.
