Thank you, Paul for the reply and help!!!
My specs are Macbook Pro (2015) 2.5 GHz. with a Turbo boost up to 3.7 GHz (or smth. like that) It comes with a flesh drive (not HD) which is similar to SSD (that is what I was told). The computer has 2 USB 3 slots, firewire, and two thunderbots inputs.
Well, three days ago (when it was brand new and shiny) I had 512 gibabytes but the very next days after loading some libraries (Standard - Woodwinds II, Brass I, Solo Voices, Solo Strings, and two SE Libraries) I have something about 160 gigs left...(or something like that). No DVD drive.
Yes, I do have VI Pro so the external drive will be a good solution?
On the other side, the person in the Mac store assured me that with this "flesh drive" the speed of the computer will not be affected by any size of the taken space of your hard drive (of "flesh drive" in my case).
So, I will be using this computer ONLY for recording and nothing esle. But of course, I 'm planning to purchase some more of your wonderful lbraries in the future and so 160 gigs will go just in one go.
Well, another possible scenario is maser/slave and I tried to do it since I have bought Ensemble Pro and I also have another Macbook Pro but it is late 2011. Do you think it is a better solution than buy an external SSD?
Well, honestly I don't mind buying it. The most important is the quality of performance (recording in this case - I'm using Logic Pro X).
Another simple question. Where should I store all the libraries? In the application section or in the documents or in the hard drive? I'm also fairly new to the Mac computer and struggle with this too from time to time.
Last, I read somewhere in the forum that the size of the library actually is "build" for the standard and various extenstions and I can see in certain libraries there are those browning spots for potential acticualtions so that it why I guess the size is almost double of what I download. I hope I understood it correctly.
I want to say that Vienna Symphonic Libraries are fantastic and I'm a very ardent fan of this product. Thank you so much for making this wonderful instumental palette. And again thank you for your help and support.
My very best, Vlaqq