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  • Vienna Instruments Midi Driver /NOT windows Signed


    Hi Everyone ,


    The vienna midi driver that comes with the install of VI pro 2>

    Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)


    Does anyone have any input on this , is it ok unsigned? is this midi driver for the app ? ,



    The Vienna Instruments Midi driver fails for me too, but under Windows 10. Same issue: Midi Driver Not Signed.

  • Hi ,


    Yes win 10 , i have tried compatibilty mode and no success.(Though i can see a digital signature in the properties page of the driver .

    I think the VSL Team needs to submit it to Win 10  Dev Centre , may cost the 1K also .

    However the driver seems to be working so until then if anyone else has any ideas please let us know .



  • Until this is fixed, I cannot proceed with my VSL projects... 

  • Until this is fixed, I cannot proceed with my VSL projects...


    Hi ,What is this driver for exacty ??? Can anyone anwser this question because my VI PRO 2 still works inside VE PRO even though the driver is not signed , so i am wondering if the driver is for something im not aware of .



  • Hi, 

    We´re looking into this. The driver is for the VI PRO Remote App. 

    nektarios, what doesn´t work?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    I am reinstalling my VSL software on a new PC with Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium edition.  Windows flags the Vienna Instruments Midi driver stating that "Windows requires a digitally signed driver."

    Is there an official solution to this issue or a known workaround.

    Thanks and best wishes,


  • Hi Jay, 

    We simply didn´t go through the signing process, but everything should work as expected. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL