Hi everybody!! I'm new to the forum & soon to be a VSL customer. I have some qustions before I decide to bute the bullet on a string library. Anybody with a good ear and familiarity with VSL's string libraries have an idea which library Deadmau5 is using to compose this peice on Youtube? VSL pops up on screen around 31:18 & he continues to use his DAW piano roll to compose a string part up until around 38:36. It sounds like a basic sustain patch, but I was hoping somebody here within the commiunity would be able to tell which library the strings are from? Orchestal, Appassionatta, Dimension??? Thanks for the help in advance. Cheers!!
What string library is he using?
Hi enoch007
and welcome in the family. I don't know what strings the guy is using in his video. But it seems that you are interested in a more larger strings sound. So the Orchestra- or the Appassionata-Library could be the right one. The Chamber Strings do have a more intimate sound and also the Dimension Strings which are ideal for producing a sound between solo and a sort of a chamber size but with more possibilities than the chamber library (divisi, setting instrument groups etc). Nevertheless, the real big and "large-orchestra-string-sound" isn't possible with the Dimension Strings even if the word "dimension" could hint to "large ensemble".
Compare the Solo-, Chamber-, Orchestra-, Appassionata-Libraries. All played with the same effect (convolution effect). No EQ beside a low cut EQ for each instrument.
00:00 Solos ... 02:18 Chamber, 03:02 Orchestra, 03:45 Appassionata
Unfortunately I have no demo within the same piece with the dimension strings. But here is one which shows a comparison between the Chambers and the Dimensions
Have fun and
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/