I am tempted by the current 10 for the price of 6 offer.
I would be really grateful for any advice on what are the best collections to buy to give me the broadest range of instruments, especially in the string department.
I already have the full Dimension Strings, Dimension Brass and Special Editions 1 & 2.
The music I do is not clasical, but fairly modern to go with drums, bass, piano etc including some film compostion.
I am thinking of going for the standard libraries in that I can then upgrade any of the 10 to the full library just by paying the extra. Thus only buying the extensions as needed. Is this a sensible approach in that funds are not limitless?
I realise that all this is subjective and a dificult question to answer but any advice would be very much appreciated.
I am keen that I don't simply duplicate what I already have so that I can expand my capabilities as much as possible.
Thank you