A free public preset configuration (V 1.0) for the use of the
Vienna Dimension Strings (for the VI-PRO Player) with the Capella notation software
was published on the CapellaWiki (under "capella tune - VSTs einbinden und mehr" there):
Link: Capella and Vienna Dimension Strings
It runs with Vienna Ensemble and the VI-Pro Player (Windows 7 x64 or higher recommended).
You can play the FULL ENSEMBLE and DIVISI of player groups 1 and 2. Switching is done by simple 'div.', 'divisi', 'div.(1)', 'div.(2)' and 'unisono' commands. You can easily access (probably) all available articulations (and even some more) for the full ensemble and the divisi.
Please note: The configuration, including its description, is in German only (as is the CapellaWiki website).
Have much fun,