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  • VE Pro and Logic Pro X

    Hi there!

    Hope anyone can help.

    I am running VE Pro on a slave computer and Logic Pro X on a mac mini. My problem is that each track in Logic gets its own seperate VE instance. I would like to use one instance and just have different midi channels.

    If I reassign the tracks output to the same VE instance and then try to change the midi channel, all the tracks associated with that VE instance gets changed.

    I have just been using Logic Pro X for a few days now. This is not a problem in Cubase.

    It´s just silly to have for example 64 tracks sending midi to 64 different VE Pro instances.

  • Never mind. I found the solution in the manual... page 45

  • If anyone knows how to set up this from scratch, please let me know.

    Thank you!

  • Logic uses the AU plugin format which only supports 1 midi port a 16 channels. 

    One workaround to this would be using IAC Midi and for your mac mini network midi.

    You would host one VEP multioutput instance in logic but use regular midi tracks to send midi to the IAC/network midi ports.

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    Hi Cato B. Hagen,

    The other option you have found already us to use the Logic Pro Multiport Template, as described in the manual.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Yes the template song works great but I just cannot figure out how it is set up. I would like to know how to set this up from scratch.

    Like I mentioned above, I am no that familier with Logic. Maybe I am missing something here.

    Thanks for the replies BTW.

  • To be specific... the track stacks are routed to a VE Pro midi port. Where is the routing being done? Cannot find it within the DAW.

  • I am not getting these options when I try to set it up from an empty projects. 


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    It´s not so simple to set up this kind of work-around, so we decided to provide a working song template.

    Which step in the VE PRO 5 manual (p.45 ff) does not work?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • The steps in the manual are fine. No problem there. It was just bugging me that I could not figure out how to set this up myself.

    I will use the template song and hope that there will be a future Logic update that will make this task as easy as in Cubase.

    The minor problem with this solution is that you will have all the tracks routed to one instance of VE Pro. I would like to have each intrument group to have its own VE instance. One for strings, one for brass etc etc.

    The reason I now prefer Logic instead of Cubase is because of the score input solution, but no DAW is perfect... yet.

    Maybe there will be a Vienna DAW or notaion software in the future... I would like to see that :)

  • Last night, I spent some time attempting to create the templet for Logic Pro X to work smoothly with VE Pro. I started out ATTEMPTING to analyse the actual templet the VSL provides for its customers (and that was posted here on this thread by Paul). It's complicated. At least it was for me. I tried but could not figure out how to create such an involved templet.

    What is nice to know is that the templet provided by VSL works. It works just fine.

    Thanks to the person or persons who created this templet.

  • Hello Edward,

    Please go to Logics Preferences/Advanced/ and check the box "Show Advanced Tools" - now you will be able to open the MIDI Environment from Logic´s Window Menu (Cmd-0) and select the Layer called VEPro Multi.

    Here you will find the cabling/routing - you will have to uncheck the "protected" box to unpack the Port Macros for further analysis though...

    Best, Marnix

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    @marnix said:

    Hello Edward,

    Please go to Logics Preferences/Advanced/ and check the box "Show Advanced Tools" - now you will be able to open the MIDI Environment from Logic´s Window Menu (Cmd-0) and select the Layer called VEPro Multi.

    Here you will find the cabling/routing - you will have to uncheck the "protected" box to unpack the Port Macros for further analysis though...

    Best, Marnix

    Thank you for the kind response. I already have "Show Advanced Tools" checked. was able to uncheck "Protected" box and was able to unpack the Port Macros. Sadly, this wonderful templet is WAY above my understanding. It's over my head. So, I guess I'll have to be content to accepting that it works and be grateful to the experts for creating it! LOL!

  • I have a better and easier methodology to use VE Pro with Logic Pro X that I teach people over Skype but it is a paid service.

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    @Cato B. Hagen said:

    Hi there!

    Hope anyone can help.

    I am running VE Pro on a slave computer and Logic Pro X on a mac mini. My problem is that each track in Logic gets its own seperate VE instance. I would like to use one instance and just have different midi channels.

    If I reassign the tracks output to the same VE instance and then try to change the midi channel, all the tracks associated with that VE instance gets changed.

    I have just been using Logic Pro X for a few days now. This is not a problem in Cubase.

    It´s just silly to have for example 64 tracks sending midi to 64 different VE Pro instances.

    I recommend you take a look at Audio Grocery's AM Pro Toolkit and then search for more info about Logic VEPro set ups. I have set up a modest template recently.

    My understanding is that a lot of users are using one instrument per VEPro instance with one articulation per midi channel in the case of Kontakt instruments and then articulations viewable in the automation lane via AM Pro scripts.

    Or then using one VEPro instance per instrument group in the case of e.g. keyswitched articulations - whence you can also use AM Pro to show keyswitched articulations via a script in an automation lane.

    From my reading of the fora and key contributors my take away is that thet Multiport template is not necessarily the answer - and actually more instances has benefits...

    Further reading here

    and especially this

    Good luck!

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    Thank you all for the feedback and helpful tips. 

    The best solution I have come up with for now is ... back to Cubase ðŸ˜Š