@JoviantheConqueror said:
I'm considering collecting orchestral sample libraries,
One thing that's put me off is the price.
Do I save the money I buy a car instead, one part of my mind says for instance.
Another thing to consider is the audio interface and getting a fast external hard drive. It all mounts up: it ain't cheap.
I think purchasing a sound library will help inspire me to make more music.
I've composed a couple of things with Ableton's OIC.
Hello OP, I am shifting uneasily in my seat as I think my situation is quite similar to yours. I too have a serious case of SLAS: Sample Library Acquisition Syndrome.
I am a beginner and I have used VSL SE, Garritan, VSL Epic, VSL Komplete Factory, Session Strings and Logic's ESX strings. I also tend to think that purchasing a great library will help me make more music.
But it is not really true is it?
You don't mention what kind of music you want to make and that makes it hard for you to get any recommendations about strings or other tools.
If you don't have a sensible audio interface, monitors and listening environment then any major libraries are overkill. If you want to run a full orchestra but have an aging machine then that is also something you should look at.
If you are dabbling and you don't have Komplete, then I suggest you get it. The VSL Factory orchestra and session strings give you plenty to play with, and then you get lots and lots of other instruments. If you are considering "collecting" sample libraries - and I must confess I have had great fun picking up little gems now that I am on this train - then Kontakt, that comes with Komplete, is essential because most libraries on the market require Kontakt (a few require just the free Kontakt Player).
Then a word about your investment in time in the interface. The VSL instrument interface is very powerful and potententially complex. I have a soft spot for it because it was my introduction to sample libraries... but... along with the dry samples... I will stick my neck out... it is a good fit for serious orchestral compsosers and perhaps less so for dabblers making hybrid music.
I think you want instant results and my guess is you want "stunt" strings. Komplete is incredible value. I would steer you towards OT String Runs after that.
(Then when you are really flying get VEPro, some VSL instruments, Mir, SE etc etc etc)