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  • Question about Multiport Solution in Logic X

    Wonder if I can ask about using the Multiport solution.

    1. What is the difference in performance between 1 instance with multiple midi ports vs multiple instances?

    2. I am currently using an instance per instrument type, for example Violins with 8-12 midi channels for each type of articulation. Because each instrument group is a separate instance, each has its own audio channel into Logic enabling post processing and allowing volume automation.

    If I use the multiport option, am I going to have to have extra audio channels in VEP to route to each group? If so will I end up with the same performance load as my current method (multiple instances)?

    Or is the best performance to be had with multiport even if I add more audio into Logic from VEP?

    3. How would I continue to route audio to each insrtument group using the multiport method?

    4. If I have a load of instances each with a VI loaded with patches, is there a way to merge them into one instance rather than have to recreate them again in one instance?

  • Hi Janicek, I'm wondering if you went down the multiplier route, and how you went about routing audio back to Logic X? I'm new to VE Pro so just trying to make sense of audio routing. I understand the concept with multis but don't understand how audio is routed back to logic. It sounds like I'm looking to create a similar sized orch template so especially interested. Thanks

  • No I have stuck with the multiple instance route. VSL told me there was not much in the load.

    As I am using it mainly for orchestral libraries I am using one audio pair per instance as I am grouping say a Violin with all its various articulations. The performance load would probably cause pops if I had each one routed to a separate audio stream and it makes sense to mix them as a unit.

    I think of it like a submixer, if I really needed to process the levels I believe there is a method to use CC7 in the DAW via the mixer faders. But I am not going to stress about EQ for each articulation as really you could automate EQ tweaks in the DAW or add some to the mixer in VEP.

  • Thanks for the reply, that makes sense and it the route I've gone down today with template planning. Cheers