So my setup is:
Host - Logic Pro X + VEPro 5
Slave - VEPro Server, East West Samples
Preferences set to "always load incoming project data".
My ultimate goal is to open up a blank server window on the slave computer, then open up a template / stack of instruments / project within Logic X, and the 2 programmes do the rest for me all of the rest of the information / samples for me.
Currently I have to load the blank server on my slave then go into Logic on my host & manually "connect" each of my template's tracks to the server, when it then finds the information regarding which instruments I saved it with that track in the first place. Why do they not automatically connect how I saved it? Is it something to do with decoupling? As my instances are preserved and not decoupled when I save my project.
That is my first question, but I have a few more regarding saving instances, projects & metaframes.
1. Are instances & projects different?
2. If when I click 'connect' in Logic & it automatically finds the instrument assigned to the track, why do I need to be able to save instance in the first place if all the data is saved within the host?
3. Say I do want to save an instance (which I did when experimenting), why in the server metaframe am I not able to load an instance that I have saved straight away? Currently I have to add a new instance, then from there load my saved instance in the 'open PROJECT' option. I then have to close my untitled instance / project that I used only to open a previously saved one...WHY?
4. Why would anybody need to save a metaframe?
5. I cannot for the life of me find information on exactly what the event input is. Please help.
6. Why can't you rename an instance once loaded? The naming gets confusing - (untitled)-(violins 1) etc...
Thanks for the help! My life is going by figuring it all out.