I just recently purchased the DS library and very pleased by the quality and realism of the samples.
However, I have experienced serious performance issue while using this library.
My system spec as follows:
- nMP Quad with 32GB of ram
- 4 SSDs in Blackmagic multidock II for samples (I have one SSD just for DS)
- Cubase 8.0.5 as DAW
- TC Studio Konnekt 48 as audio interface, running 512MB of buffer in cubase
Questions I have:
1. I have experienced pop & click while writing with DS using only legato patches (my ensemble size is 4 x violins desk 1, 4 x violins desk 2, 3 x violas desk 1, 3 x cellos desk and 2 x basses). I'm using the Regular -> L1 Art-Combi patch for all string sections.
The single note patch are running fine, but with quite high of cpu load; the legato patches are just disasters!
For the single machine setup (like mine), is there ways to optimize for DS library?
2. I wanna know how DS users' setup for large & small DS ensemble, particularly on MAC.
I'm very excited to use DS for most of my writing, many many thanks in advanced.