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  • MIR PRO 24 Demo and an i3

    I am currently using and really liking Vienna Instruments Pro and MIRx, and am now considering MIR Pro 24.  However, I use a 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 iMac with 12 GB of RAM, and I don't know if that's enough horsepower for MIR Pro 24.  Does anybody have any experience with this?  Is my computer powerful enough for MIR Pro 24?


    I would download the demo and try it, but for some reason, I am unable to.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • Thanks for your interest in MIR Pro! Highly appreciated. :-)

    12 GB RAM isn't much by today's measures, but I've done lots of work with the same amount of memory in the early days of MIR's development, so this shouldn't be the real problem.

    I have no idea how powerful an i3 processor really is, but I suspect that it's quite weak, sorry to say so. This will be the bottleneck - maybe fellow forum members will chime in with first-hand experience ...(anyone, guys?).

    Also keep in mind that RAM speed is another decisive factor, as well as the quality of the audio system's drivers, and the latency you allow for (... the larger, the better MIR's engine can cope with all the data it must compute).

    For assistance with your demo license please get in contact with sales AT vsl DOT co DOT at. They will sort it out for you. :-)

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thank you for your prompt and informative response.  I will contact sales to see if I can download a demo.

  • I use a laptop with an i5 mobile (Windows 8.1) and 6 gigs of RAM, and have no problem with MIR PRO 24 when run at a latency of 512 samples. The mobile i5 has two cores and hyperthreading, so it's probably similar in performance to your i3. If you stream from an SSD, you won't need a lot of RAM for 24 instruments.

  • Thank you, johnstaf, for your input!  :-)

  • As an update to this thread for anyone interested, I received a demo license (Thanks VSL Support!), and MIR Pro 24 is working great on my i3 computer.  I've been working on a piece that has 16 instruments, and, during the most dense parts, VE PRO/MIR are running at around 55%.