Hi All
I've been using Dimension Strings for a while now, and even though my computer is super powerful I still can't seem to run Dimension Strings without sample drops when the music is very dense. Keep in mind that I am only talking about when I have tons of orchestration going on: all sections of Dimension Strings, layered with Orchestral Strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion...the whole lot of it. Throw MIR Pro on top of that!
CPU usage is fine, but my bottleneck seems to be my sample streaming. Everything is on SSDs/SATA 3 controllers. Sample preload size for Dimension Strings is set to 8192. ASIO buffer at 1052 still causes sample dropouts.
I'm just trying to figure out if there is something wrong in my system, or I am being unrealstic with my demands.
It would be great if we could get the Dimension Strings ensembles saved as single patches. I'd rather have faster sample streaming, even if it meant taking up more space on the hard drive for the extra patches.