Hi: New User with Digital Performer on WINDOWS.
I have a windows 7 Master PC and a new slave windows 7 PC. All VEP software is current.I noticed that after I close a project In DP and reopen it Vienna ensemble Pro fails to completely reconnect to the slave computer.
What specifically happens is when I open my project. VEP on the slave box shows a connection statues BUT does not load any of the instruments.
On the Master side the instrument shows up as disconnected. Here is where it gets weird. When I click "Connect" The slave computer shows another instance connected to the master computer but the master still fails to connect to the slave.
The workaround is to rebuild the instrument in DP.
The performance once connected is fine its just when I close out of the project and reopen it fails to reload.
I created the instruments in DP as specified in the VEP docs. I am using aux tracks for additional instruments to mix individually.
Has anyone ever seen this?? I am assuming its a operator error. I tried saving mataframes and projects In vep and reloading them manually but nothing seems to work.
Any ideas??