So the idea that i have a one to one corispondance between each articulation in each play instance 9 stereo outs per play instance is insane? i.e. 162 outs per frame back to Nuendo.
So is my issue the outputs racking up my nuendo meters and not just what is in use midi wise? I would have thoguht if the outputs were silent that Nuendo wouldn't be even wasting resources on them. I thought that was the way the settings were indicating in nuendo prefs. This seems to go to like 50% utilizaion with it idle. Maybe shoudl set it to only output to the group channel level. I.e types of instruments like cellos or trumpets rather then each of the audio outs for each of the 20 artiuclations for say 2 trumpets each on their own chanel. If i wanted to send out separat stems i could use the same group but have others muted i supose. but that gets tricky. and wastes time.
inside of Nuendo i have groups for mixing out puts l.e cellos flutes, oboes and also have string sesion brass sections etc. then if i want an indidual instrument i select them on the output page as a batch output.
If i don't have those separate returns.. i won't be able to separate them on their outs easily.
I can get maybe 4 frames per machine before they start to protest and that is with a few tracks. If i try and do 1/2 of the string section it really isn't very happy.
Here is a quick link to a video i did showing how this is setup.. Please comment and see if im going about this the hard and bone headed way or not. Maybe i can lop off most of the outputs but i don't think so.
<< Template setup movie link >>
@civilization 3 said:
My approach is to give the heavy users amongst viframes more threads per instance. If all or most of your Play multis are equal quality users, I'm not real sure how much you're going to benefit by a more expanded setup. I really do suggest to anyone to do as little outputs to the host as feasible.
You say you're not doing MIR Pro, but I would relay one thing I find in this documentation and in tutorials, is that they are presenting scenarios of a single master output. More complexity in mixing really does not need be more outputs to the DAW host, ie., using VE Pro as the mixer and what eg., Nuendo is getting is a submix scenario. In my experience, a project that approaches overload of resources is addressed very nicely by minimizing outputs. I parse things out to like 4 outs from a viframe/instance for reasons of organization and a visual cue to keep track. Before the automation mapping I used many outputs and mixed in Cubase as I was used to doing, a separate level per each output; automation just of the gain of the channel strip in VE Pro obviates the real need for that.