I just finished my recordings of three Violinconcertos of Fanz Benda (1709-1786). Like J.G. Graun, who also personally thaught and promoted him, Franz Benda was not only student of Pisendel and Tartini but also the older one of two musically gifted Brothers. While Franz Benda ist focussed mostly on Violinmusic, Concertos and Symphonies, his younger Brother was more interested in Harsichordmusic, clerical music and Operas. (I already recorded some of Canatas recently and hope I will come back with some of his concertos soon)
For now, here comes my new recordings of three Violinconcertos composed by Franz Benda. Transcribed from historical Manuscripts of the SLUB (Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbiblioothek Dresden).
Two (LII,8 in E, LII,13 in A) of the three Violinconcertos where recorded for the first time. The third (LII, 18 in Bb) is my update of an older recording of the Finale I have done 2012 to test the QL-Soloviolin. Here comes now the complete Concerto all done with VSL, Solostrings, Dimensionstrings, and Cembalo.
I hope you like it