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  • J. S. Bach - Cantata BWV 139 - Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott - Aria

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    here is the redition of the bass aria of J.S. BACH cantata 39.

    It has been written for solo violin, 2 oboe d'amore, bassoon, cello and continuo (here harpsichord and organ)

    The bass singer part is played on recorder.

    All instruments are from VSL, except the organ.

    Enjoy ! J. S. Bach - Cantata BWV 139 - Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott - Aria



  • Hi Phillipe,

    An excellent recording once more. You manage to achieve a good balance and a pleasant sound throughout. Also, with the cantata oevre you open up a whole world of musical gems (ouvertures that are organ or violin concertos and what more) that are lesser known to most inclined to the secular and formal compositions of Bach.

    For the organ, I wonder what you are using. I have been looking but still haven't found the organ sample library that is usable in the smaller, more intimate contexts typical for the genre. 



  • Thanks Martijjn.

    I use here the PMI organ, very beautiful small baroque organ. I fear that it is no longer available (it was sold by Sampletekk, but it disappear recently from the website).

    Very best.

  • This Aria is really wonderful and definitly belong to the composition which proofs Bach absolutly outstanding genius.Well done especially the winds are great.

    I also like the ambiance. I personally like to choose the Churchrooms Maria-Strassengel for clerical music, but this seem to be often a bit to wet.Did you use MIR? Which room did you choose? Which Dry-Wet-relation?

    It is a bit a pitty, that we dont have any VSL-Soloists, since with a recorder it looses a bit the central characteristic of clerical music in my eyes.

    Did you use the PMI Baroque Organ which infact is the "Marcussen & Søn organ (1965) Moerdijk (North Brabant, Netherlands) - St. Stefanus church" it seems as if one can get still a hauptwerk-Version and a sondfont version of this Organ here: "". I also like the PMI Positive for Continuum jobs, but it also seem to be no longer sold by sampletekk any more.

    But all together absolutly wonderful music as well in respect to the composition you chose as in respect you programmed it in really beautiful in VSL.

  • Thanks Steffen. And again, congratulations for the very good job you made on the Graun harpsichord concertos.



  • I forget to answer about the reverb : i use always Altiverb, with a church IR, where i dicrease the wet signal. Like this, i have a result closer to real recording.


  • Hi Philippe,

    Again, this proves your incredible skill to give voice to the most wonderful pages of historical masterpieces with samples. The acoustics are wonderfully fit for the music and blend so nicely with the attacks and releases. (Reverb can sometimes kill all details in the music.) The choice of a recorder for the vocal part is somewhat unusual, but still surprisingly suitable.

    Thanks for sharing this gem with us.


  • Thanks a lot Max. The Bach cantatas are full of small jewels like this. I have some at mind that i will try to do soon ...



  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on