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  • To complement the information about this issue I did download the last E-licencer update and also tried previous version of VEPro (5.3.13240 /5.1.11947) but it didn't solved the problem...maybe if you could provide me with a version I could try ?

    This setup used to work fine untill suddenly it didn't so I'm thinking if I could find the VEPro version that worked...

    Please get back to me on this asap so we can figure out the problem, as for now I can't use any slave !



  • Dynamic IP?

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    @civilization 3 said:

    Dynamic IP?

    Sadly no - they're all static.

  • Can you give the system pref/Network/TCPIP value of your machines ?

  • the same 6 digit for both machines for the master and for the slave

    sub network are identique on both machines

    routeur is the smae on both machines

    same DNS server on both

    IPV6 seems to be the same on both

    Does that help ???

    I Just wrote to VSL support as I really need this to be solved

  • try this tutorial :

    and tell me if it is working

  • Hi Cyril,

    Thanks for the reply.

    It seems that your tuto is for connecting two Macs together witch wasn't really my issue but I gave it a try after exchanging with Marnix from VSL (it was about forcing connexion speed to 1000 base T on manual witch I did plus chaging MTU to jumbo (9000) but it didn't help the CPU usage on VEPro to drop to 0% and to cut the sound).

    So I connected my slave I-mac directly to the second ethrnet port of my Mac Pro and enter manually the new DHCP adress witch is a new one.

    At first it seems to work but then I tried with my orchetsral template and even if the issue apear less frequently it stills drop the CPU usage to 0% etc...strangely enough this doesn't happen when I export audio in non-realtime mode !

    so I guess we are in the right direction but still some way to go...I hope the VSL support can get back to me (they stoped suddenly to reply).

    Another thing that your setup disturbes me for is that I canot connect a third slave witch I do sometimes with my MacBook Pro for some big you think I can turnaround that DHCP adress without using the twoo port of the Mac pro ?

    Thank you anyway this was interesting and going in the right direction ;-)



  • I am happy to hear that you are progressing.

    doing this ; you create another network

    If you want to connect a 3rd Mac you need a switch

    You can run again my tutorial and see what adress you are getting

    Concerning click and pops :

    - See my configuration I have a SATA III card and raid of SSD for my libs

    - I had problem of preload buffer length on some instruments. You have to isolate the part and the track. For instance, I had to increase the preload buffer size of the trumpet B

  • I'm using an switch Trendnet 1000 base T, You mean that if I use my swith connected to the second port of the main mac pro I'll be able to connect several mac to it with the same procedure ? great news !

    as for the the HD I agree with you that the fastest the better but I have this drop out problem even with just one sound loaded !

    Also I used to work with this setup untill few weeks ago and it was working like a charm with my 300 midi-track template :-)

    I'll keep you posted if we find a slution to this issue.

    Thanks for your help.

  • > I'm using an switch Trendnet 1000 base T, You mean that if I use my swith connected to the second port of the main mac pro I'll be able to connect several mac to it with the same procedure ? great news !

    I have not try it

    > as for the the HD I agree with you that the fastest the better but I have this drop out problem even with just one sound loaded !

    look at what I said about pre-load buffer size in my previous post

  • How much did you increased your buffer size in Kontakt ?

    mine is around 90 Kb on the slave and 60Kb on the master

  • I was speaking of VSL preload buffer size(in Directory manager)

    I use Kontakt in the DAW not in VSL

  • Ok then I get it ;-)

    I checkde that, it was on default so I increased it but it just concern the VI Pro and my issue appear aswell with Kontakt 5 inside VEPro and Omnisphere etc... so I doubt this will solve the main issue but it might help the VSL library...

  • Hi again,

    After a short period of time of behaving better, thank to some help from Cyril, thing are again going wrong woth lots of cuts etc...

    Marnix tried to help me but apparently couldn't find a solution neither replicate the problem, so my question is : someone else having this kind of issue ?

    I really can't use VEPro in my set up so I can work with my large template !!! this is the reason I did buy this product...please I need a fix on this asap.


  • the worse you can do is to put your libs on FW

    If you want thing go better you must put your libs on SSD

  • Also having a FW audio with FW disk IS VERY BAD, you must check they are not on the SAME FW BUS.

  • I may be getting to the bottom of my problems at last. I think I had two completely separate issues, that just happened to have the same aural results. I went through all my machines, and turned off a bunch of background services - in particular Media Player Network Sharing service, and Acrobat Updater - then turned up my VEPro buffers to 3, and it seems to have dealt with all the dropouts from one machine.

    I think my other machine may have some capability issues, since I have a Samsung EVO drive for both the system and my Vienna samples. This one is still causing problems, but I'm hoping the promised firmware update for the EVO drives will help.

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    @Pingu said:

     I have a Samsung EVO drive for both the system and my Vienna samples.

    If I was you I will keep system and Vienna samples of different ssd

    You can say why ?

    - System files are constantly evoluating/updated and there are the swap files that could make a lot of I/O so this disk will be morcelated !

    - VSL files are rarely updated, so your blocks will be continuated, allowing much more file I/O  

    The ideal would be to have a separate disk or volume for the swap files, but with MAC OS X 9.x or 10.x I have not found any utility allowing to move the swap files. In MAC OS ?.? there was the "Suisse knife" but it is not supported anymore

    The cost is small If you add another 64 GB or 128 GB for the system 

    Do you SATA II or SATA III interfaces ?

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    @Cyril said:

    If I was you I will keep system and Vienna samples of different ssd

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. They are on separate drives, with SATA III interfaces. But it's just become clear that EVO840 drives have some issues where older files have massively longer retrieval times than new files. So samples that have been stored a while may not stream very well. There is a firmware update coming, which should fix it, and hopefully fix my glitching issues.