Dear Bachrules, thanks a lot for your great help for me to get a DS demo.
The thread here shows that obviously even power users don't use this "multiple-option" because it seems to need a lot of additional work.
So your effort is very kind, BachRules, and you all who wanted to help me till now. But, nobody should produce an extra demo for me.
So I suggest to wait until the end of this weekend and when nobody has a demo - then nobody has one.
Could be that G. Bacos will produce once one one - now with the basses inclusive.
I still believe in a huge undiscovered potential of DS - showed within some seconds in the DS-Video...
So let us being patient ...
This thread shows that people lacking Dimension Cellos -- even power-users / articulation-extremists lacking Dimension Cellos -- are unable to achieve such a wide cello sound as this:
Maybe Beat can produce something comparable with the Chamber Cellos. Let's wait until the end of this weekend and if nobody achieves such width using only Chamber Cellos - then nobody achieves it. I'll wait patiently.