Though I am sorry for not being able to offer the kind of demos you are waiting for, I feel like presenting you my own understanding of DS tech, and what it does for me personally (I cannot claim any special understanding of this matter, of course, just my own views).
You mention using different articulations for different players. It can be done in DS, but I do not see it as a path to better string sound - why should some of "my violinists" see things much different from others? Instead, I see the blessing of individual mics in subtle humanizing of the same articulation, which in turn creates, in my view, a much more smooth "sound picture" of that ensemble, without the jumps, bumps, and tear in the phrasing and note transitions.
Thats where, for me, Mir/Mirx comes into picture as well - I just sense it contributes to the natural flow of the room perception from listening point of view, so I never leave DS without it.
One of the "magic" sides of both DB and DS for me, is the natural mic spill inherent in the sound of each player. In my perception, it makes a world of difference between Dimension approach, and adding solo recordings together - thats why I feel the need to preserve the initial recorded "feel" by choosing the same articulation for all, knowing that was the way they recorded it, and the spill adds up. I would never use DS soloist on its own - of course it sounds "phasy", as there are other players around him, and you can clearly hear that in his personal mic as well.
All I can present currently, is a humble Violas tryout I have made for myself, the moment they were released. Pretty much out of the box, just DS+Mir. I would be glad to show more, so maybe if you could land me some score extract etc. and that might be even more relevant for you.