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  • transpose and key switches


    I need to be able to transopose on my controller. Doing so is shifting the cell key switches.

    Is there a way to prevent that from hapening ?

    thank you.

  • If you transpose, then the key switches will be in a different position on your keyboard. You can change the keyswitches in VI for presets you'll be using with a transposed keyboard.

  • Hi.

    Thats what I am after, is for the key switch range to not shift. ? some sort of a lock one the cell switch range .

  • The problem is that VI doesn't know that you have transposed your keyboard, so you have to change its keyswitches to match the new keyboard output e.g. if you transposed up an octave, you will need to tell VI to move the keyswitches up an octave as well.  To do this, go into basic view\ Matrix Control and where it says X-axis. If you drag the lowest entry up or down (or type a new value), you'll see the switches on the keyboard sliding up and down. The same goes for any other keyswitches that might be in the matrix. This could be tedious, so it's better to save these as new presets so you'll only have to do it once.

    Alternatively, you might be able to split your keyboard, and only transpose the range that you don't want to use for keyswitches.

    In your DAW you might be able to do this as well. In Cubase, for example, you can let the program do the transposing by using the input transformer in such a way that it only transposes keys above a certain part of your keyboard. You can then save the track as a preset.

  • What I do is select the entire section of notes without the keyswitches, and then transpose them leaving the keyswitches alone.

    Or you can transpose your VI, depending on what you are doing, and not change the DAW notes at all.

    There is no way to leave keyswitches out of a transposition within a DAW, because they are KEY switches.