I am moving and have decided to build a new machine in my new studio,... I am going to make the jump to 64 bit YA!! Finally
My Old system was ALL 32 bit , all my machines were XPproSP3 . I had 1 main machine ( master ) and 3 slave machines ,....2 of the slave machines were made using FX Teleport , and 1 of the slave machines was made using VEP .
Here is my Question.
Can I make a new Master Machine 64 bit Cubase 7 and will it open up the 32 bit FX Teleport Programs , Does anybody know if I can still use the FX Teleport software OR should I just make all of it work with VEP
2nd Question
Will Cubase 64 bit be able to open VEP slave that is 32 bit ?
Has anybody got a successful system going that once used FX Teleport and now is in 64 Bit Land
Any help would be amazing ,... thanks
Help Please VEP and FX Teleport Inquiry - ANY Success with Old FX Teleport Software in new 64 a...
Thanks for the reply. I understand that new 64 bit Machines can address much more ram than the old ones ,...my problem is I got used to using different machines for different things for example on one machine and one monitor it was great I would have all of the drum show up on another machine I would have all of my guitar software show up I would like to be able to open a type of product like drums and just have it show on one monitor I guess that is a Cubase thing How do you run yours and can I open VSTs on different monitors ?