I have a problem when I use the marimbaphone (single instrument) and when I am doing a gradual velocity curve or fade. I can hear when it switches samples. It's not subtle. It is very obvious. I have to use volume (controller 7) instead for this. Of course, this is not ideal. Long samples are not needed for marimbapone so I have plenty of RAM for more velocity switched samples. I don't know how many layers it would take to make it sound real but however many, I would like that. As a composer who uses a lot of marimbaphone, I would appreciate this.
Sample Switching With Marimbaphone
Hi dragonfly,
I guess you mean velocity Xfade?
The only patches where velocity Xfade for a Marimba is useful are rolls. For single notes it will not work.
The problem is not the amount of layers, it's the circumstance that you would get two attacks or a very artificial when doing any layering. This is more or less a fact for all percussive instrument with very distinctive attacks.