I'm sorry if I'm not articulating this well.
Basically I have a SLAVE start "blue-screening" and I can seem to get it to work.
I was thinking about taking the metaframe file from my one computer and put it on another slave, but I dont want to add the whole thing. Can I pick and choose the most valuable parts of the library's I want?
And then, lets say I have 12 instances in the Metaframe I'm trying to use, and I only need 6 of them on the backup slave, how can I add those 6 to the existing metaframe that's on the backup computer?
I was told there was a way to pick and choose and combine things like this, but I have only really used it with the large metaframes and never had to deal with moving instances from one frame to the other.
Can you break up metaframes into smaller modules to add to other metaframes?
Also, I still don't quite understand the difference between saving a project vs. saving a metaframe.
"Project" is another term for 'viframe'.
You want 6 of 12, save project as 'useful name' and load it into an extant 'instance' - the container for the viframe - or create new [empty] instance.
Additionally you can save a channel or channels as 'channel set'.
Do I load them into the existing metaframe by merging project?!?! I've never saved a project before, only metaframe. So...I basically just 1. I delete the unwanted instances first 2. Save Project as 3. Open new metaframe and merge project?! Is that right? THANKS!
Merge you do from an open project. You don't need to do either to open a project, it will open and get rid of the extant project (asking you do you want to save).