Ok, understandable. Thanks for the reply.
From my persepctive I must also now obtain another physical slave for my assistant.
I know this is not your fault, but the issue of liscensing across the whole industry is annoying - and the result of a few malicious people who want things for free.
Maybe a special "side user liscense" that would release the whole machine - for a reasonable cost or based upon the libraries installed, might be a useful solution. This would obviate the need for me to obtain another physical machine. It's not just VSL libraries that are being run here. Kontakt allows more than one instal per liscense, but tops out at a certain point.
So for example, for a fee of £xxx, my slave would look for an eLiscense that says - "this machine can serve 2 hosts". The fee could bebased (or the key could limit the machine) to a certain number of libraries.
Just a thought.