Hello all, I haven’t posted here in probably over 5 years. I originally purchased The Symphonic Cube and the Performance Set when they were a new release. Since then I got some great use of it but my orchestral writing went on hiatus for a while. I am getting back to it now and have discovered I am far out of date. My sounds are fine (for now) but the software it runs on is now obsolete! Gigastudio seems like a thing of the past now and my library is in .gig. I was told players such as Kontakt can convert them all which is hopefull.. except of course the Performace Set software! I believe it was written for use with Gigastudio exclusively.
Can someone more in the recent loop help me understand what my options are? My goal is to have everything on one computer Cubase and –insert best sample player program-. It would be nice to be able to load VSL with other libraries into one sampler.