I am not sure if it is o.k. to ask this question here but this seems the only possible place. I can just shut up and try to do something on my own if it is illegal to discuss the rules, but if this were a normal film scoring job I would be asking the producer this question -
How can the suite for The Wolfman can be five minutes long, when the cues listed total almost twenty minutes in length? For example the first cue is opening titles and is almost three minutes, all demanding music. The music can not possibly start late or cut off early - it has to be music throughout. So the rest of the whole suite can be only two minutes? This makes absolutely no sense to me right now as a film composer. I would be telling the producer, you can't have it only 5 minutes! It has to be longer!
Can someone involved in this contest clarify this? Has a mistake been made? One could do ONE or TWO of these cues, but not all FIVE of them with only five minutes total of music.