Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @Bill said:

    Adding more velocity layers to existing content would be virtually impsible.

    So true.  Also I don't think it's entirely necessary.  Most other libraries with multiple layers have all kinds of tricky crossfades and phasing issues.  It's a lot simpler with VSL where there's only one small range you have to look out for.

  • Hi Again,

    Well .... It is November, 2014   .

    What's happening ?  Nothing New from VSL so far.  I am guessing the development team of VSL is working hard on surprising, and delighting us with new products in the near future.   Hehe... I am hoping they are not taking a year long vacation [;)]   

    Looking forward to some new, and exciting VSL products... Whenever they materialize. 



  • Nov. is another discount month !  Which is great. 

    But... Nothing New, and Exciting [:(]

  • December is approaching :)

  • I'm feeling optimistic about December 1st - if anything is coming,  it's going to be then...

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    @andyjh said:

    I'm feeling optimistic about December 1st - if anything is coming,  it's going to be then...

    Haha.. Well, I have been feeling optimistic all year long, every new end of month, hoping something new, and exciting will be announced by VSL, but as you have seen, nothing new, and exciting has happened so far, except for various discount offers. 

    I'm going to get optimistic again once we enter Jan.  2015  [:)]

    Unless VSL Decides that Dec. is the right time for excitement !  (We shall see). 



  • Is there even any reason to believe that VSL have something ready to announce?

  • And the answer is Solo Voices :)


    Very nice, if they manage to get a decent wordbuilder and than also use this technology and add some more to the VSL choir ....



    Looking forward to hear the first demos :)

  • This is definitly very exciting news.

    I do hope to, that they manage to provide a decent wordbuilder.

    Worbuilding Vocals in VSL-Quality is definitly what would be worth waiting for.



  • It is not only worth waiting for, it also means that i really need to think about increasing of my budget :)

  • wooo ... looks very interesting.  Can't wait to hear it.

  • I would have found another discount more exciting. [:P]

  • Great and very exciting news indeed. .....I have doubts about wordbuilder...VSL is not doing "synthy" thing unless they trully found the solution.... 

    Maybe they did...

  •  Exciting news indeed. Would love to hear about a Christmas discount too. [A]

  • I'm wondering if this is a solo collection or a dimension product. 1 player or many players for each position?

    Solo voices, that doesn't sound like  it was made with the dimension approach. 

    But I'm still curious to ear this.

  •  I don't believe it's a dimension product. By the name of it, it's a solo product. I'd use this product if I needed just a solo singer.

  • Hello

    sounds good ... I just hope that the VSL team will bring the revolution in the desert of vocal libraries. I would like to understand what singers sing, like i understand the voice of my GPS .. [<:o)]

    And what means "soon" exactly ?

  • Hmmmm ...What ?  a 'Whistler' Library ?  (How many requested this library ?)  [8-)]

    Solo Voices ?  Not sure how they will help me right better music ?  I rarely use voices.  [^o)]

    I hope there are more new, and exciting products than this, coming our way next year.   

  • Lol muzicsculp solo voices are some of the most demanded and underrepresented instrument groups. Sorry it's not what you wanted, but a lot of people are going to be very happy about this, myself included. After all, what other type of common classical instrument does VSL not already have? 

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    @Casiquire said:

    Lol muzicsculp solo voices are some of the most demanded and underrepresented instrument groups. Sorry it's not what you wanted, but a lot of people are going to be very happy about this, myself included. After all, what other type of common classical instrument does VSL not already have? 

    I prefer Whistlers [:D]

    Yes, voices might be on high demand. But, it depends what are we talking here ... OOhhhs and AAAhhhhs, Phrases, or Sophisticated word builder for creating and playing SATB custom phrase voices ? or ... ?  

    Most of the time the human voice is very difficult to emulate. So, it will depend on what the end product offers. 

    Anyways, I don't have a big need for voices, since I mostly produce instrumental music, maybe a bit of Choir would be used once in a while, but not much. Others might feel that Voices are a big priority in their music. But so far most of the music I hear on the forum is not really vocal oriented, or operatic in nature, maybe that will change once Voices are out. 

