As a matter of fact it _is_ possible to have separate physical
outputs for the Secondary Microphone. But before I explain the
necessary steps and setups, please allow for a slightly sceptical
question: Could it be that you are partly missing the actual beauty
of MIR's basic concept ….? :-)
With MIR, you can have close, mid and far distances (and
everything in between) without any additional effort. The
close/mid/far approach comes form the conventional “mixing with
artificial reverb”-concept, were each algorithm is only able to
supply _one_ perceived distance between a signal source and the
listener. MIR has the built-in ability to create the proper panning,
early reflections and reverb for any angel and any distance, for any
spot on any given stage.
Talking about the relation of source and listener: In case of MIR,
the listener is the Main Microphone. Using two different listener
positions is quite meaningless, that's why MIR's Secondary Microphone
is just used for an augmented sense of space, width and “enveloping”,
not for actual positioning purposes. - This is also indicated by the
graphics: The Secondary Mic doesn't supply any dry signal components,
just the “wet” components – thus the virtual capsules of its
Icon on the Venue Map are shown as outline only. ;-)
… ok – now back to the actual answer to your question: If you
still want to go this route, you will have to "abuse" MIR Pro tgo a cretain defree. ;-) You can have separate Outputs for your
Secondary Mic by using a multi-channel setup. In Cubase you would
have to open a Quadro-Surround-instance of VE Pro (or a
Quadro-Channel, in case you're using the plug-in version of MIR Pro).
Now chose a stereo-mic setup for both the Main and the Secondary
Microphone. MIR Pro will show a warning message:
Output Matrix changed
The output matrix of the chosen Output Format has to be adopted to
match the number of output channels. Do you want to use it anyway?
Click “Yes”.
Finally, open the Matrix view of Output Format Editor of MIR Pro
and assign the Secondary Microphone's output to the rear channels
(“Ls” and “Rs” for Left and Right Surround). This can be
achieved by typing ”-inf” into those connections you want to
switch off, and “0” (or any other negative dB-value like "-6") into the fields you want to activate:
Click “OK”, and now the (wet) signal of the Secondary
Microphone will appear on the 3rd and 4th
channel of your MIR Pro-output, were you can treat it separately.