The issue of loops vs. non-loops came up some time ago. Originally, there were no loops at all in VSL because unlike other sample libraries up till then, they were creating a pristine, totally realistic orchestral sound. If you look at the sample libraries before VSL, you will understand what I am talking about. I was one of the people using those sample libraries before VSL and know the difference. [:'(]
So later they did a huge job of creating looped versions. These are not entirely complete, because the company has been concentrating on getting new software out, new instruments sampled, new paradigms of how to create reverb with MIR, etc. So the loops have a bit of inconsistency. It has not caused me any trouble since almost every instrument you need loops on are looped - including ones that are in "Resources" in the solo instruments, as well as all the strings except solo which was decided against as an artistic issue.
One thing on this list of non-looped Bach rules posted - that is correct, but if you audition the fl3 sustain for example, it IS looped. So when that same sustain sample occurs with the legato start note, it is not looped. But it is no real problem as you will usually be alternating between sustain and legato anyway.
My point is there are a few inconsistencies, but they are not really of significance for actual performance. Also, most of these things are addressed in instrument updates, whih VSL has been doing regularly.