@BachRules said:
Before I feel I can use these features to the fullest, I have a further question. Suppose I have a melody (for example, Solo Violin, since I have that one) which goes c-d-d-e; and suppose I want:
- a perf_legato connection from the c to the d;
- a perf_rep connection from the d to the following d; and
- a perf_legato connection from the d to the e.
Hello again
I choose the samples because of their sound and never because of their name or because of a special notation.
Your example c-d-d-e could have several solutions of course - also depending on the tempo and the volume.
Listen the example (wav-file 8kB). It shows some possibilities how I would play your notes:
1. Legato-legato / gap (simulates the changing bow direction) Legato-Legato.
C - D D - C
2. Sustain-Legato / gap / Sustain-Legato
C - D D - C
3. Détaché long-Legato /gap / Détaché long-Legato (faster play)
4. Détaché long-Legato /gap / Détaché long-Legato (even faster play)
5. sfz-fast Legato /gap / sfz-fast Legato (faster play more agressive)
5b sfz-fast Legato /gap / sfz-fast Legato (+1 Octave)
Take into account that we have a change of the articulation between every two notes! (Not with the first example) Quit a lot!
But when you listen to result it sounds quit good (real) as well.
Attention: Make sure that you always choose the legato articulation during the play of the single articulation so that you already get the legato sound between the single note and the following legato note.
Unfortunately I don't know the VSL-Presets I have my own presets.