02 VI-20_perf-legato_4vel... Level 2 (Extended only) Legato/portamento, 4 velocity sustains... 4 velocity layers: Legato: 0–88 mp; 89–127 mf Sustains: 0–55 p; 56–88 mp; 89–108 mf; 109–127 fBut I don't understand what that's telling me. I see two relevant differences: (1) the number of "velocity layers" and (2) the number of "velocity sustains". What's the difference between a "velocity layer" and a "velocity sustain"? Thank you.
"velocity layer" v. "velocity sustain" in Appassionata?
I have Appassionata I & II Standard (my first VSL products) and trying to understand what upgrading to Extended would offer in terms of legato. The Appassionata manual states, page 16:
Hello BachRules,
I have just answered your email to
and sent you free demo licenses to check out the Extended Libraries of Appassionata Strings I&II.
The best place to get an overview of the articulations for Standard/Extended Library is the "SAMPLE CONTENT" menu right below the screenshot on every product page, e.g., Appassionata Strings I.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Hi Paul
Bachrules have ask an interesting question :
What's the difference between a "velocity layer" and a "velocity sustain"?
02 VI-20_perf-legato_4vel... Level 2 (Extended)... Legato: [b]0–88 mp; 89–127 mf[/b]
This part of the manual seems to say there are only *two* layers: one from 0-88 and the other from 89-127. (This is describing the Extended violins.) Does that mean there are only two velocity-recordings for the attack-segments? In any case, thank you for the Extended demo, and I think the Standard sounds very good, after my first day of trying it.
Hello BachRules,
02 VI-20_perf-legato_4vel... Level 2 (Extended)... Legato: 0–88 mp; 89–127 mf
This part of the manual seems to say there are only *two* layers: one from 0-88 and the other from 89-127. (This is describing the Extended violins.) Does that mean there are only two velocity-recordings for the attack-segments? In any case, thank you for the Extended demo, and I think the Standard sounds very good, after my first day of trying it.That means that for the Legato TRANSITIONS there are only 2 velocity layers, but they blend very well with the 4 velocity layers of the sustains.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support