Win 7 Pro 64bit / intel i7 / 12gb RAM. As soon as I try to run the DVD installer for VSL Woodwinds I (Installer v1.0) the installer EXE crashes, so I can't install the library. I do have the latest vienna ensemble and eLicenser Control Center.
VSL Woodwinds I DVD installer crashes.
No, I was running the installer on the DVD itself, which is what I did when I installed the library years ago. I didn't know the install method had changed. That should be a bit more obvious in the FAQ...
"If you DON’T have the sample content available anymore, please insert DVD#1 of your collection, then launch the Library Installer and follow the instructions for installation."
I assumed this meant the Library Installer EXE ON the DVD... the FAQ should instead say, "Please Insert DVD#1 of your collection, then go to the Vienna Instruments program folder on your computer, launch the Library installer, and follow the instructions."