Hey everyone,
If you can cast you memory back to around 2006 you may remember one of our own 'Ben Jasmine' posted some music from the, then, still filming Starship Exeter: Tressaurian Intersection. It was this post that led me to seek out new fan films, and new film makers and to boldy go and make my mark on low budget fan films 😛
Ben's work was really quite exceptional in that it really felt like original series music. The right kind of orchestration for the 60's TV orchestra, even the right kind of reverbs (spring) and mix. And I remember being utterly jealous of someone else working on a Trek inspired film that wasn't a joke or a parody. Still, I watched the film and was even more impressed at what these crazy people had done. Building a full bridge set, uniforms and everything.
Well, sadly the production got slower and slower and eventually stopped around 2007. In 2008 we saw Act 3 released and hoped it wouldn't be too long before the episode was finished. Well basically the producers gave up, after a long and bitter struggle to get Act 4 to work. Years later the Director (Scott Cummins) decided he'd had enough of waiting and took it upon himself to finish it. Fortunately his energy to finish this thing was infectious and it was long before many others helped out to finish the show. But what of Ben Jasmine? Sadly no one has been ableto reach him for a long time now.
Scott Cummins, who had heard of me, asked if I would be available to complete this episode. I felt pretty good that I should be writing the music to the final part of the episode that launched me into Trek fanfilm. And so here it is, Act 4 of Starship Exeter's second episode. A real roller coaster of an act that see's the USS Exeter plummeting through weirdspace (not an official name, but it was used to describe things pretty well) to save the universe from being ripped apart (yeah ... that old chestnut! :D). All music performed with VSL.
Music to Starship Exeter Act 4
If you're interested to watch the epsiode it can be viewed here on youtube in it's entirety. All music is performed with VSL. Ben Jasmine composed all the music except for Act 4 (Which starts around 39 mins 15 second). Enjoy.