For installation, when the system asked where to house the Strings, I entered as the destination Folder name: "VSL SE_Vol-1_Strings_v01". Then when I initiated the install of the Woodwinds, the system came up with the same folder name ("...Strings...") under "Manage". Is it OK if I have each set (Strings, Woods, Brass, Percussion) installed in a separate folder? Or is it necessary that all module sounds go into a single folder?
Bernard Samuel Super (new user)
Should all four Vol.1 modules be installed into a single folder?
Hello Bernard,
You can install the data anywhere you like, also split up to separate folders.
The installation process creates folder names for the different products anyway, and the sample content is then added to the Directory Manager, so that our Vienna Instruments Sample Player knows where to find the data.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support