Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • dynamic values in Vienna Instrument

    Hi there! If I set Dyn Range Scaler to value 127 for all my instruments in template in Cubase (which I like the most, because I can control dynamic from silence to the loudest point - what is adequate dynamic in Velocity X-fade for each dynamic (for example, for PPP what value should be for Velocity X-Fade, for PP what value, P,MP,MF,F,FF,FFF and so on.) Is there any rule? Best wishes, Seba

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    Hello Seba,

    There are no rules, it´s really what sounds best and most authentic to you, and that always depends on your intentions, expectations, the arrangement itself, the mix....

    The recorded Velocities are documented in your Library Manuals, available in your User Area (in the given sub menu "Instrument Collections", "Special Editions" and "Single Instruments"), if that´s what you are looking for.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL