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  • Dimension Strings Mockup

    Hello everybody

    Here's a short mockup of the introduction of Beethoven's 1. symphony I made. I used the Dimension Strings for the string parts, the other instruments are mostly from the Special Edition. I'm quite pleased with the result, but hints on how to improve it or any other comment are very welcome:

  • Hi Dominique,

    could you make this available for download (have a crappy internet audio connection at the moment), so I can listen to it on proper equipment?



  • Hi Goran

    Thank you for taking the time! It is downloadable now.

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    Good work. Strings could use more polish, both in playing and the way the sections are spatialized (more depth). The woodwinds sound very good.

    In overall - a very promising excerpt, with headroom for more coherent and organic sounding spatial disposition and for some polished, dynamically balanced playing.

    Here you can listen to two examples of mine using DS Violins (Wagner and Mozart).

  • Thank you Goran. I'm going to revamp the spatialization and reverb from ground up and work on the perfomance as well. I know your mockups and they are always excellent.

  • Thanks :-)

    One last question: what are you using for spatialization? Vienna Suite Convolution/Hybrid Reverb, something else?

  • Maybe I overcomplicated things. I used Power Pan to narrow the stereo width. Then Origami for stage placement. After that I used Vienna Suite's Hybrid Reverb (the Schubert Saal) as reverb.

  • You can get in the right direction with these tools. As an alternative you can also try using different Convolution Reverb instances to create different "depths" for strings, woods and brass...

  • Goran, is that You who made the Lohengrin-Vorspiel?

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    @clemenshaas said:

    Goran, is that You who made the Lohengrin-Vorspiel?

    Hi Clemens,

    yes, all the demo examples on the VTC-Webpage are mine (and all are done with VSL).

  • Hi Goran,

    I didn´t know about the VTC-Page, I just heard the Lohengrin on the Dimension Strings Demos.

    Good work, I already told Paul Steinbauer that I would have bought Dimension Strings just for this demo alone if I had a sufficient computer. Just a MacPro 8-core right now, this will not do. 

  • Thanks, Lohengrin is actually a mix of DS Violins, Solo Strings and Orchestral Strings (all violins divisi parts are DS).

    Really can't tell if the MacPro 8-core is sufficient to run these - I work on a quad core PC, and use large orchestral setups running in MIR, but didn't have performance issues worth mentioning as of yet.

  • The Mac would certainly run the strings, but my current orchestrals setup with about 40 instances of MIR (just one instance for third-party-strings) already eats up all of the cpu. My planned setup with a mix of Solo Strings, Chamber Strings and DS for the strings section would mean a minimum of additional 20 instances, this will definitely bring the mac down to its knees.

    Which is your quad core? A Xeon or an i7? I will get a test-pc with a Xeon 10-core and ssd, this machine will most probably work very fine (i will still use my mac as a host and use the pc as a vsl-only slave). but i would love to save one or two thousand bucks if a six core i7 will do the job, too. 

  • I have six i7-x980 processors running at 3,33 GHz each, and don't have MIR performance issues even with large setups and VE PRO internal audio processing of tracks/stems. 

    40 instances of MIR? Did you mean instances of the VI player?

  • Of course I mean 40 instances of Instruments in MIR. :)

    This is interesting, because, regarding CPU Benchmarks, your i7 should be just slightly faster than my two Xeon E5462s, there have to be additional issues.

    What do you call a "large" setup? About how many instances - of VI Player :) - do you run in MIR?

    As the curent i7 4930K should increase speed by about 50% compared to your x980, this could then be ok for me and no need for the rather expensive 10-core-Xeon.

  • My large setups begin at 35+ VI Player instances - I can normally do this and have most of audio processing in the VE PRO mixer and still have no CPU issues.

    This could be because my computor was specfically configured for audio work  - I bought it at Digital AudionetworX in Berlin some 3-4 years ago (I can highly recommend this store):

  • Yep, that 35-40 VI Player instances actually work on my Mac, too. As mentioned, blowing that setup up with Dimension Strings would then max it out.

    I´m already a customer and in contact with da-x, it´s them who will send me the test-computer. I´ll let you know about the performance, if you´re interested.

  • Sure, I would be very interested both in the computer specifications and the performance. Thanks :-)

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on