Some of my Key triggers aren't working. I've got a range of triggers running from F#-0 to A-0 changing the performances. But nothing is happening when I try to use G-0. What do I have to do to make it work like the other 4?
[SOLVED] Problem with Key Triggers
I moved the set up and down. Any set that included that G-0, whether at top or bottom would not work. I was able to get a set that would trigger all of the performances I needed with the G-0 at the top. But I'm still baffled as to why THAT ONE TRIGGER won't work. Thanks for your help! [:D]
I guess I'm talking about the presets. Th upper right section of the instrument in the Control Edit Menu: Key Switches. It reads as follows:
E-0, F-0, F#-0, G-0 & G#-0. I've got 5 cells, but I only need 4 of them for this piece and this set up allows me to trigger all of the cells I need. E, F, F# and G# all work. But I can't get anything to work on the G-0 trigger no matter where I have it in the line-up (that's what I meant with top or bottom).
I originally had the line up going F-0, F#-0, G-0, G#-0 & A-0. G-0 was the only one that didn't work. Does that make it clearer? I have a screenshot, but this site only allows URL images. So, I can't post it here.
If my description is clear, do you have any idea why the G-0 trigger won't do anything?
You didn't specify WHAT to look for as a problem with the matrix in the previous post. It only said that there was a problem with the matrix. I read everything you posted and took all suggestions. Thanks again for you help. This is a great forum. You can actually GET HELP with a problem here. I genuinely appreciate that! Have a good one! [;)]