I'm working on a project with Vienna Choir, bringing to life a piece I had written on Sibelius. However, because the piece was written using general MIDI, its notes stayed roughly the same volume as the pitch got higher, whereas Vienna Choir behaves more realistically with notes getting louder as they get higher.
Is there any way to disable that function, so the volume has a flatter response across the pitch range? It sounds great as it gets louder, but it doesn't fit very well with the dynamics of the piece as I wrote it, and at the moment I'm having to counter the volume increase using CC 11.
Many thanks,
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core 3.59Mhz Processor, 64 GB RAM, Windows 10.0.19045, Cubase 10.5.20, Sibelius 7, VEP 5.4.16181, VIP 2.4.16399, Symphonic Cube, MIR Rooms 1-5, Suite, Choir, Organ, Imperial, Solo Voices, Dimension Strings, Historic Winds, World Winds