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  • Hi Dietz,

    I will give that a try Dietz.

    I have found for me that playing them in realtime, within the room itself gives me a much more realistic performance than when I don't.  If I take it out of the room etc. then I tend to get either a to aggressive performance, or one that isn't enough.  If I play it back in it's pretty much end result sound, I find that I naturally just place it with the right dynamics the first time, versus going back and having to tweak so much after.

    I even thought about making some cheap Vienna Suite Reverb Busses to just use for initial recording, and then do the actually mixing/final in MIR PRO.  I just have to try this out and see if it gives me good results in the end, with no added time.  I could simply put a few instances on the busses of VE PRO 5 and then disable them, and re-activate the MIR PRO for each instrument and see how that works.

    It certainly would reduce my CPU usage by enormous ammounts.



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    @cgernaey said:

    I just can't stand all the latency.

    Assuming a sample rate of 48K, then 512 / 48000 = ~1ms latency. So why is that such a problem? 1ms should be un-noticeable. (Or is there something I'm missing?)

    PS. If I was you, I'd definitely build that 4930 machine for a 50% (in theory) improvement. (Trouble is, the reality rarely lives up to the theory).

  • Hi Phil,

    The latency is much more than that simple math formula.  There is the latency buffers that are more than doubled by adding VE PRO and MIR into the mix.  If you use VE PRO with MIR PRO, you would see that it has it's own latency settings for MIR PRO and also a buffer multiplier on the front connection page which multiplies by 0-4 times the latency settings.  Mine is set for 2 times latency already.

    But as far as a single 512 latency assuming you are using nothing but an instrument track with no reverb or effects, and running it locally in your DAW there is still an amount of latency that I can clearly detect.  It is certainly much less, but I am a pianist and it's very noticeable when I perform on it first, and then move to my DAW and try to use Vienna Imperial.  It's also very noticeable when working with drums that tend to be much faster responding and instant type instruments.  Strings etc. are already a little sloppy so it's ok for those.  Some people don't have an issue with the latency and others do :).  I am one of the people who does :).

    I tell you what, I am certainly interested in the idea of building the 4930k and upgrading the memory etc. to see the results difference, but it gets very old wasting so much money to not end up where you need to be lol.  The other issue is that I would need to buy an RME PCIe card.

    What I am going to test with it is putting just MIR PRO on it, and let it handle processing MIR PRO.  This combination would work great as long as I can get some really low latency on the gigabit connection.


  • Take a look at the specs in my signature. I just had these machines built. They were relatively cost effective. I can run *almost* anything I want + MIR Pro at 256 samples/48k/Cubase 7.5. I'm sure I could get that number even better if I replaced my MOTU with an RME MadiFX card or something. All the slave does is run VSL + MIR Pro. I don't add any many mix plugins on the master computer until I'm nearly done programming. Using 2 480 GB Samsung EVO SSDs for the samples on the slave.

  • Thanks for the information.  Yea those specs are almost exactly what my Slave would be, except I have a 4930k instead of the 4960k.  This just further pushes me to finish the build and then test having it just process MIR PRO for me.  I am sure it will solve my reaching 100% CPU issue, I will just have to workout a workflow to remove the latency while I am doing certain things.

    I don't think this setup would be to much to work with each day until I decide one day to build another super machine (I am waiting on the new Xeon V2 15 core processors).


  • I am still curious what specs would be needed to run it all in a single box.  For example, if you are using a 6-core master and 6-core slave, would a 12-core of the same processor family do the trick?

    (I am envisioning a workflow of running a DAW, in my case Digital Performer, plus VSL with a full orchestra, and minimal effects while originally laying down MIDI.  Then fine-tuning and mixing using a MIR stage.  I want to minimize theneed to bounce to audio and freeze tracks while fine-tuning the arrangement and the mix.)   My old set up was a Master (now dead machine) + 2 slaves, and I'd really like to downsize the physical footprint if it can be done.

  • I don't think anytime soon that a single machine will be able to give low latencies. The tradeoff has always been more cores for lower clock speeds.

  • To be honest I am not sure how many cores etc. it would require at this point.  I will one day, but not this moment :).  I can tell you again from my current experiences that I went from 4 cores at 4GHZ to 6 cores of extreme processor with more cache on all 3 levels, and Overclocked it at 4.5GHZ and I only gained 10-15% increase in performance.

    There is simply diminishing returns of only doing processor upgrade.  You are still going to be hurting by the memory bus and chipset architecture.

    I did see a company building 64 core AMD workstations for between 5000.00 and 8000.00 depending on the other selections like video card, 256GB of RAM etc.  How many SSD's etc.

    Me personally, I will just choke on and wait for another 1-2 architecture changes for bus speeds etc. to increase.  The new architectures coming soon will have DDR4 finally which will also help.  But of course I will then wait for them to stabalize it all.

    I built my machine last night but need to update the bios tonight and install windows 8.1 on it (going windows 8.1 for this build).  Then I will run some tests on it.  Problem is I can't do apples to apples because I don't have 24GB of ram for it like I do my other machine.  I would have to purchase more.  If the initial testing goes great, I will do that however and probably just host my samples and MIR on this machine and my DAW and plugins on my master.  More to come.
