I am looking for string samples that sound close to this http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00020HBUK/qid=1097600161/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl15/102-5283380-1136912?v=glance&s=music&n=507846 (Track 14. Souls of the Women Rest for a Moment, And Thereafter...)
I was suggested it sounds like a small string group of perhaps 2,2,1,1 or 4,2,2,1. I was wondering if you guys thought VSL Chamber Strings or Solo Strings would be the way to go.
If the answer is solo strings - how hard is it to get this kind of blending sound. I have Dan Dean solo strings and even layering them to create a larger string set sounds harsh and lacks that string blending effect that ensembles have - but I'm not sure.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I was suggested it sounds like a small string group of perhaps 2,2,1,1 or 4,2,2,1. I was wondering if you guys thought VSL Chamber Strings or Solo Strings would be the way to go.
If the answer is solo strings - how hard is it to get this kind of blending sound. I have Dan Dean solo strings and even layering them to create a larger string set sounds harsh and lacks that string blending effect that ensembles have - but I'm not sure.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!