Was trying to install Epic Orchestra but did not add the Activation code to the eLicenser. Could not update the eLicenser with Vienna Download Manager still running. Quit the Vienna Download Manager in order to activate the Epic Orchestra and when I tried to restart the Vienna Download Manager, it did not recognize the fact the Epic CAB files were already downloaded. Thought I would have to download the whole package again. However, I tried a different approach which saved me from having to download the CAb files again:
1) Initiated the download of the Epic Orchestra file again (from the User Area > Single Instruments)
2) Instead of using "Run" for the V50_epic-orchestra_std_v1_w1.vsldownload file, I selected "Save".
3) Then opened Vienna Download Manager and used the "Add Files" to select V50_epic-orchestra_std_v1_w1.vsldownload file.
4) Then clicked on "install" and used the same folder name as for the original download.
5) The Vienna Download Manager recognized that the CAB files were already present and rather than downloading them again, just checked the integrity of the files. This took only a couple of minutes and then the actual installation of the Epic Orchestra sample files started.
6) The installation is complete and I am off to the races...