I find myself wanting to join in the praise. I bought the old Giga cube, in something of a hurry, way back when it was on a really good deal for students, since I would probably never have managed to get my foot on the ladder again. At the time I couldn't afford a PC powerful enough to run them, and didn't own Gigastudio. I gradually worked towards that. Meanwhile Vienna moved on, and I upgraded to the Vienna Player versions, still without being able to use them. Then we had a builder in to bash through two rooms in order to make a studio, and all my equipment was packed away for three years (laziest builder in the world).
So I'm just finally setting up, about 10 years after first buying the samples. I was a little worried that I would find Vienna feeling old. Obviously a sound is a sound, and I knew that the recording quality of Vienna would last for a long, long time, but I thought I might find it had been surpassed in terms of playability. In the interrim I've also bought lots of Kontakt stuff, also without being able to really use it, and thought some of it might make me wish I'd never bought Vienna. But I'm finding quite the opposite. Vienna is just awesome. Far from starting to think in terms of replacing it for my orchestral needs, I'm now hoping the Vienna team go on to replace all my Kontakt ethnic and pop instruments. I want a Vienna gamelan, duduk, ondes martenot, African ensemble, etc, etc...