I did this a long while back, and now can't remember how it's done. I'd like to modify the Harp 1 Normal preset to only include the soft samples, and have the harder, higher velocity samples not sound. If anyone could explain how to do this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Question - how to create soft samples-only preset.
Hi Gary,
In your Vienna Instrument Ctrl Map you will find two CC assignments: one acts as a switch to turn Vel.XF On/Off, and the other acts as the fader that will control the amount of Velocity XF. By default the switch should be CC28 and the fader CC2. Bring CC28 up to 127 and this will turn on Vel XF (127= on, 0 = off). Now dynamics are controlled by the fader, CC2, and not how hard you hit the keys. So, set your CC2 fader at some low value (for example, pp is approximately 0-27 while FF is approx. 110-127).
Thanks - I did get your suggestion to work. However, I did it some other way previously, where I still had velocity sensitivity, but with only the pp samples sounding...I'll keep experimenting.
I see. You could get close to what you want with a Velocity Curve (Advanced Tab: Edit Tab) however, you may need to use Logic to get finer control over the curve than is currently possible in VIPro directly. If you are going to bring Logic into the picture you might consider doing what Paul suggested and then converting velocity into Expression CC11.