what would you suggest is a good way to switch between Key-Velocity and Velocity-Xfade?
So far I have used Logic's HyperDraw area in the PianoRoll drawing in CC28 data (values 64 - 127 for Xfade "on" and values 0 - 63 for "off"). But that does not only seem a bit complicated to me, it is also confusing when changing the view of the HyperDraw area to CC2 for the Velocity Xfades, because I don't see anymore where Velocity Xfade is on and where not.
Is there an easier way to draw those switches in?
Oh, I forgot: I don't use VE, I use only VI (Pro) - if that matters.
A Happy New Year to everybody!!!
VI Pro 2.4.12711; Logic 9.1.8